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Hi, I’m Martin Carson.

Although my career, for over 30 years, was in corporate I.T I have always had a fascination with health and healing. In 2007 I decided that I really wanted to change my career into something that I was truly passionate about and something that made a difference to people’s lives.

After some searching I came across Kinesiology and booked myself in for an appointment. After the session I came out with one thought on my mind. “I HAVE to learn this!” 

From that point onwards it has been a single minded pursuit, studying, practicing and researching Kinesiology. 

I started practicing part time in 2009 and finally, in December 2018, after an 11 year journey, I have finally realised my dream vocation and started  practising full time, as a Kinesiologist.

My working philosophy

Nothing happens in isolation. Every part of you is connected to every other part of you. Any issue will have a ripple effect through you affecting your whole being: physically, emotionally and bio-chemically. My work combines all these elements to ensure your health has a far greater chance of being balanced.

My Kinesiology Education  

My first goal was to obtain professional kinesiology qualifications through a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). To this end I studied the following Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP) levels with Kinesiology Schools Australia (KSA). And then become a registered professional with the governing body Australian Institute of Kinesiologists AIK

My actual qualifications are:

  • Cert IV Kinesiology (PKP)

  • Diploma Kinesiology (PKP)

  • International Diploma of Kinesiology  (PKP)

  • Member AIK (Australian Institute of Kinesiologists)

Once I finished advanced foundation training I continued with areas that were of particular interest to me and my clients. My clients want to get to the source of their pain quickly and without fuss so I chose to pursue additional training:

Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T)
Deals with the four primary survival systems of the body. Fight Flight, immune system, reproductive system and digestive system. By returning these systems back to their optimal level your muscles and joints  come back into alignment. Your immune, digestive, reproductive systems function optimally. This is ideal for whiplash injuries, back, hip, neck issues, and exhaustion.

Life Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP)
Originally designed to help people with learning disorders it also works wonderfully for any emotionally based issue. A very specific method of pinpointing the parts of the brain and nervous system where there are blocks to leaning and life.

Stress Indicator Points (SIPS)
Allows for corrections by removing stress from specific tissue. E.g. tendons, ligaments, muscle fibres, tendon sheath. 

Neural Spiritual Integration (NSI)
Allows for very deep corrections that integrate the physical, neurological, energetic and spiritual nature of an issue, whether the problem is physical or emotional.

Although any of these kinesiology streams is a very effective and complete stand alone system, I like to combine this knowledge to give my clients the best possible service.

My additional skills  

Diploma of Hypnosis 
I studied hypnosis as it is such a fascinating subject and melds perfectly with Kinesiology. Both modalities are invested in working with the subconscious, uncovering and resolving issues that have been buried and forgotten

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
This fascinating subject deals with how we construct our internal perception of the world and life and consequently how we behave in life in accordance with that perception and understanding. Misunderstanding and aberant behaviour can be understood and changed. This is another perfect addition to Kinesiology. 

Reiki, (level 1)
As kinesiology relies heavily on energetic work I trained in Reiki primarily to open myself up to working with energy. Having experienced the healing phenomena of Reiki I am now passionate about its use.

My hobbies

Outside of my work I have been practising martial arts since I was teenager and have studied, Taekwondo, kickboxing Wing Chun, and Jujitsu. 

As a teenager I was heavily involved in rugby union and athletics and was a Nationally ranked athlete in the U.K. And a member of the Victorian State Squad when I moved to Australia. Part of my kinesiology studies are dedicated to sports enhancement, particularly improving flexibility and reducing joint pain.

When I am not doing any of this, I like to play guitar.